Tuesday, May 12, 2009

After the wedding....

We finished off a nice mother's day evening watching our wedding video. I have tried to avoid watching the video, just the 30 minute highlight version, as much as I could but I surrendered this time round. It is mother's day after all and somehow, somewhere, there is an unwritten rule that states you have to do anything for the mother of your children.

I must admit I enjoyed watching it this time round since we were watching it with our 2 very young children. They had a chance to see what happened 6 years ago, before they were born. They got to see the pictures when mommy and daddy were younger and they kept on pointing us out whenever we appeared in the video. I was much slimmer then ... sigh.

Anyway, while watching the video, I realised, I could count the number of couples who went to the wedding/reception and who are couple no more. Now there was no strange curse from the wedding since I can count more couples who are still a couple and some who have married after. It is interesting to see, however, that a few married couples are divorced and some that are not married are most likely not going to marry each other, ever.

Sure, these things happen. Some relationships do fail for many reasons and we are left with the one we have known the longest or in some cases, both partners are still our friends. The issue now is, can we show any of them the video without bringing up painful memories? Has our wedding video become a sad reminder for some about a relationship that did not work.

There will be some who can watch the video, see their former partner, and not feel anything by it. Who are they? How can we tell, will be able to watch this video?

I must admit it would be punishing enough to make someone sit through someone else wedding video but what if there are those who would like to see the video (probably female) and maybe enjoy it.

It is quite a dilemma to decide on whether to show our friends the video even though an ex-husband is in it or ex-girlfriend. On the other hand, they do not realise how close they were to sit through someone else wedding video.

We also have a 2 hour version of the wedding video which I will save for someone who crosses me.